The Graduate and Professional Student Senate is committed to transparency in the democratic process. New resolutions will be shared here at least two weeks before the meeting in which they will be read. Resolutions slated for second readings can be found under Old Business.

(24) GPSS resolution 2021-22T (hiring laws).docx.pdf
Establish equal opportunity hiring practices for assigning graduate assistantships

(25) GPSS Resolution 2021-22U(Summer Resources).pdf
Make student services more readily available for graduate students during the summer

(26) GPSS 2021-22V Cook Counseling Stimulus.pdf
Resolution for Secure Equitable Funding for Cook Counseling

(19) GPSS Resolution 2021-2022O (communication and role clarity) (1).pdf
Resolution to to fix communication gaps and clarify institutional role of GTAs versus GAs and GRAs

(20) GPSS resolution 2021-22P (GA contracts).docx (1).pdf
Establishes working contracts (or something similar) to clarify relationship between mentors/mentees and decrease exploitative working relationships

(21) GPSS resolution 2021-22Q (tenure track position) (1).pdf
Resolution to reduce our reliance on adjunct labor and create more well-paying, secure jobs for faculty

(22) GPSS Resolution 2021-2022R (transparency and democracy) (1).pdf
Reforms transparency and democratic input across university affairs

(23) GPSS Resolution 2021-22S (GRE) (1).pdf
Abolishes use of the GRE for graduate student recruitment

(16) GPSS 2021-2022N1 (divestment from fossil fuels).pdf
Resolution to Divest from Fossil Fuels

(17) GPSS 2021-2022N2 (carceral divestment).pdf
Resolution to Divest from Carceral Corporations

(18) GPSS resolution 2021-2022N3 (BDS).pdf
Resolution to Divest in Compliance with the Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions Movement

(13) GPSS Resolution 2021-22K (prison contracts).pdf
Resolution to End Prison Labor Contracts and Reform Hiring Practices

(14) GPSS Resolution 2021-22L (Campus police).pdf
Resolution to Defund Virginia Tech Campus Police

(15) GPSS Resolution 2021-2022M (threat assessment task force).pdf
Resolution to Repurpose the Threat Assessment Task Force and Reduce Student

(8) GPSS Resolution 2021-22F (min wage).pdf
Resolution to raise the low wages of university staff and get ahead of the ball on state requirements

(9) GPSS resolution 2021-2022G (CCC stimulus).pdf
This resolution addresses the chronic underfunding issues of the CCC and is meant to provide short term relief and mechanisms for ongoing support

(10) GPSS Resolution 2021-22H (parental leave).pdf
This resolution creates more of a focus on parental leave policies and provides more generous support packages

(11) GPSS resolution 2021-22I (Sanctuary Campus).pdf
Resolution to improve the safety and reliability of VT's campus for undocumented students

(12) GPSS resolution 2021-22J (International Students).pdf
Resolution to improve safety and security for international students

(1_2) GPSS resolution 2021-22A (Task force policy).pdf
Resolution to Establish a University Policy Governing Task Forces and Working Groups

(4) GPSS Resolution 2021-2022C (foundation transparency).pdf
Resolution to Improve Financial Transparency and Exercise Oversight of the Virginia Tech Foundation

(5) GPSS 2021-2022D1 (ethical oversight of policing_drones).pdf
Resolution to Expand Ethical Oversight of Researching and Developing Policing and Surveillance Technologies

(6) GPSS Resolution 2021-2022D2 (ethical oversight expansion - ICE).pdf
Resolution to Broaden Ethical Oversight for Anti-Immigrant Research Projects

(7) GPSS Resolution 2021-22E (Change transition of power).pdf
Resolution to Change Constitution to Move Transition of Power to Spring

GSBB Policy and Procedure- Pilot Phase 2 Finalized Draft.pdf
Virginia Tech Graduate Student Budget Board Registered Student Organizations (RSO) and University Student Life Programs (USLP) Funding Policies and Procedures

CGPSP Resolution 2021-22D (1).docx
Resolution to Ensure Graduate Student Compensation is Equitable and Responsive to Cost-of-Living

Resolution 2021-22B_New Major_Commercial Development and Investment_Bachelor of Science in Real Estate.pdf

Resolution 2021-22C_New Major_Residential Development and Investment_Bachelor of Science in Real Estate.pdf

Resolution_2021-22D_New Major_Financial Planning and Wealth Management_Bachelor of Science in Business in Finance.pdf

Resolution_2021-22E_New Major_FinTech and Big Data Analytics_Bachelor of Science in Business in Finance.pdf

Resolution 2021-22F_Resolution to Modify the Pathways to General Education Concept 5.pdf