About the GPSS
Our purpose, our function, and our people

The GPSS represents the graduate student body of Virginia Tech. The purposes, functions, and missions of the GPSS are:
- To represent the interests of graduate students in all university activities and to facilitate the exchange of information between the University and Graduate Students;
- To solicit, compile, and promote graduate student opinions and concerns and to develop and recommend policies concerning Graduate Students to the University;
- To cooperate and communicate with the Graduate School of Virginia Tech and other appropriate University administrative bodies to improve the quality of graduate educational programs, graduate academic activities including research, and graduate teaching programs;
- To provide and develop relevant programs for the augmentation of graduate student life and welfare.
We work with the graduate and professional student community of Virginia Tech, actively seeking to advocate for their health, well-being, academic growth, research excellence, societal improvements, and to bring their concerns to upper administration. We enjoy a close working relationship with the Dean of the Graduate School, and value our many conversations with her.
The GPSS promotes graduate student community by providing community-building and social events such as the Welcome Back BBQ, Meet the Dean, and other ongoing events.
The GPSS administers grant programs to directly promote graduate research and educational efforts, and hosts the annual Research Symposium, which offers scholarships to the best of the exceptional research presenters participating in the event.
All graduate and professional students are welcome to attend the General Assembly meetings, either in person or virtually. We seek to continually renew ourselves and our mission, so that we may always best meet the needs of our constituency. Our logo was updated in September of 2020, emphasizing that commitment to continual growth and excellence.
Please use the links to the right to see who we are, and what we do for our constituency.