GPSS Executive Board
The individuals serving on the GPSS Executive Board, the advisor and the GA to the GPSS
Our Officers, Advisor, and GA. Email them

Ronnie Mondal, GPSS President
As the chief executive officer of the GPSS, the President communicates on the behalf of all GPSS Members to University administrators, faculty, staff, undergraduate students, the Town of Blacksburg community, and other external bodies.

Ranald Adams, GPSS Vice President
The Vice President and Director of Legislative Affairs is the chief administrative officer of the GPSS, and also the chief advisor to the President and the Executive Board especially in matters of University governance.

Akshay Anil, Director of Advocacy
The Director of Advocacy is responsible for movement-building and coordination among the academic entities and student organizations represented in the GPSS.

Julia Shapiro, Director of Programs
The Director of Programs is the chief operating officer for all programs, defined as participation-based services and events that require long-term planning and budgeting.
Doug Harrison, Director of Finance
The Director of Finance and Treasurer is the chief financial officer of the GPSS. The Director of Finance is responsible for all financial matters within the GPSS.

Quiyana Murphy, Director of Communications
The Director of Communications and Secretary is the chief communications officer of the GPSS. The Director of Communications is responsible for all official communications originating from the GPSS.

Brian Chan, Director of Events
The Director of Events is the chief operating officer for all GPSS Events, defined as attendance-based events and services that further the GPSS Mission.
Happy lady in front of a Hokie background

Lauren Surface, GPSS Advisor
Our advisor and trusted partner, Lauren Surface is responsible for the development, implementation, management and assessment of programs and services that support the academic and professional development of graduate students and improve their quality of life.

William Poland, BOV Graduare Student Representative
At their discretion, the Graduate Student Representative to the Board of Visitors shall address the Assembly about matters related to their position. The GPSS, however, has no and claims no official authority over the actions of the Graduate Student Representative to the Board of Visitors, nor their selection.

Sruthy Gajula, GA to the GPSS
The graduate assistant to the GPSS supports the officers of the executive board in their efforts to serve the entire graduate student community at Virginia Tech.
The Executive Board of the GPSS is vested with executive power by the Assembly to ensure the effective operation of the GPSS, and for fulfilling its purpose, function, and mission. They are responsible for managing the various Programs and Events, for managing the GPSS funds, for scheduling and running the General Assembly Meetings, and for collecting information on and representing the needs and concerns of the graduate and professional students at Virginia Tech to the University administration.