GPSS Constitution

Constitution of the Graduate and Professional Student Senate, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia
Use the links built into the Table of Contents below to navigate through this document easily.
Article 1 - Name, Mission, and Organization
Section 1: Name
Section 2: Missions
Section 3: Organization
Article 2 - Senate
Section 1: Purpose
Section 2: Membership
Section 3: Term
Section 4: Roles and Responsibilities
Section 5: Senate Meetings
Article 3 - Committees and Caucuses
Section 1: Committees
Section 2: Sub-divisons
Article 4 - Executive Board
Section 1: Purpose
Section 2: Membership
Section 3: Roles and Responsibilities
Section 4: Election of Executive Board Members
Section 5: Removal of Executive Board Members
Article 5 - President's Cabinet
Section 1: Purpose
Section 2: Composition
Section 3: President Emeritus
Article 6 - University Governance
Section 1: Eligibility
Section 2: Selection of Representatives
Section 3: Representative Responsibilities
Article 7 - The Commission on Graduate and Professional Student Affairs
Section 1: Purpose
Section 2: Membership
Article 8 - Constitutional Amendments
Article 9 - Amendments to the Bylaws
Constitution of the Graduate and Professional Student Senate, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia
Original: June 2021
Article I – Name, Mission, and Organization
Section 1: Name
The name of this organization is the Graduate Student Senate (“GPSS”) of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (“Virginia Tech”). return to table of contents
Section 2: Mission
The mission of the Graduate Student Senate is to serve as a voice for all graduate students through advocacy and community-building in a culture of inclusivity and support; ensure access to the resources necessary for scholarly and professional success; and foster a network of coalitions among all graduate students to help us achieve these goals. return to table of contents
Section 3: Organization
A. The GPSS shall consist of a Senate comprised of Senators and an Executive Board elected by the Senate.
B. All graduate, professional, and accelerated master’s students at Virginia Tech shall be entitled to the services and programs that the GPSS provides.
C. GPSS governance shall be aided by three documents:
a. The Constitution of the GPSS shall define the functions, structures, and processes critical to the mission of the organization.
b. The Bylaws shall codify specific structures and operations of the GPSS. Bylaws include the written recording of all procedures and operating guidelines not specified in this Constitution.
c. The GPSS Handbook shall memorialize current normative practices, recommendations, and guidance for members, senators, and the Executive Board. return to table of contents
Article II – Senate
Section 1: Purpose
The purpose of the Senate is to serve as the legislative body of the GPSS, providing an equal voice for all entities represented. return to table of contents
Section 2: Membership
A. All current graduate, professional, and accelerated master’s students at Virginia Tech shall be eligible to serve in the Senate.
B. Each academic entity at Virginia Tech with graduate or professional students should have a local-level student organization equivalent to the GPSS. For the purpose of this Constitution, “academic entity” includes, but is not limited to, any academic department, school subunit, interdisciplinary program, graduate program administered by a supraDepartmental entity, or any other such academic entity recognized by the administrative offices of Virginia Tech (“the University”).
C. The Senate shall be comprised of Senators who may be appointed by the entities in Article II, Section 2(B).
D. Each aforementioned entity may elect no more than two senators.
E. The process for selecting Senators shall be at the sole discretion of the entities in Article II, Section 2(B).
F. To be officially recognized, Senators shall register with the Vice President and Director of Legislative Affairs through a process the Vice President will administrate. Upon Recognition, the Senate Seat is officially held and no longer open until that Senator’s term ends or they otherwise resign.
G. The Senate may appoint additional graduate, professional, and accelerated masters students to the Senate. Policies and processes for such appointments shall be defined in the Bylaws. return to table of contents
Section 3: Term
A. The term of a Senator shall begin on the first day of class in the academic year. If a Senator is recognized following the beginning of the academic year, their term shall begin upon Recognition.
B. The term of a Senator shall end on the day preceding the first day of class in the following academic year.
C. Senators may serve unlimited terms for as long as they are eligible.
D. Any academic entity may replace their representative, or fill a vacant seat at any time.
E. If a Senator is elected to an Executive Board office, the Senate seat becomes vacant when the Senator assumes the Executive Board office. An academic entity may appoint a new Senator to fill the vacant seat. return to table of contents
Section 4: Roles and Responsibilities
Senators shall:
A. Attend Senate meetings;
B. Inform constituents of GPSS proceedings, including and not limited to legislation and
C. Be available to constituents and communicate their concerns and issues to the Senate;
D. Have full rights and privileges of speaking, voting, and proposing motions and legislation
at all Senate meetings. return to table of contents
Section 5: Senate Meetings
A. The Senate shall meet, at a minimum, once per month during the academic year on a regular date and time scheduled by the President at the beginning of the academic year.
B. The President, a majority of the Executive Board, or one fifth of Senators may call a special meeting, provided that the GPSS is given a minimum of two weeks’ notice of any special meeting.
C. All current graduate and professional students shall have full rights and privileges of attending and speaking at all Senate meetings, but shall not vote or propose motions.
D. A quorum of the Senate or one of its committees is defined as a simple majority of the total recognized voting members of the Senate. A quorum is required at all GPSS and committee meetings in order to conduct business. Meetings may be held without a quorum, but votes cannot be taken.
E. Senators unable to attend a meeting may designate an alternate who meets the eligibility requirements outlined in Article II, Section 2(A), to vote on any pending issue in their absence. The name of the alternate shall be submitted in writing to the Vice President and Director of Legislative Affairs prior to the vote. return to table of contents
Article III – Committees and Sub-divisions
Section 1. Committees
A. To ensure effective and efficient execution of Senate activities and operations, committees of the Senate shall be created. Committees shall perform their functions and duties in accordance with this Constitution and the GPSS Bylaws.
B. The Senate may create Standing Committees, Policy Committees, Operational Committees, and Special Committees.
a. Standing Committees
i. Standing Committees of the Senate shall be permanent Committees established by the GPSS Bylaws.
ii. A Standing Committees perform functions vital to Senate operations. Standing Committees shall deliberate and report their findings to the Senate regularly.
iii. Voting members of a Standing Committee shall be restricted to Senators.
b. Policy Committees
i. Any member of the Executive Board may appoint policy committees to aid in their specific activities, tasks, or initiatives.
ii. The Executive Board member appointing a policy committee shall have oversight over and responsibility for the policy committee.
iii. Voting members of a Policy Committee shall be restricted to Senators.
c. Operational Committees
i. The majority of GPSS operational activity not done by the Executive Board or policy committee shall be done through the use of operational committees.
ii. The Chief of Staff shall have operational oversight over operational committees.
iii. Operationial committees shall be established through the use of Bylaws.
iv. Operational committees have the authority to plan, organize, and implement events and projects independent of the entire GPSS body, so long as these events and projects fall within the purview of that committee as specified in this Constitution or in Bylaws.
v. Voting members of an Operational Committee shall be restricted to Senators.
d. Special Committees
i. Special Committees of the Senate shall be created and dissolved by Acts of the Senate by a majority vote.
ii. A Special Committee shall deliberate and report on a specific matter deemed necessary by the Senate.
iii. The composition of a special committee shall be determined by the Senate.
iv. Voting members of a Special Committee shall be restricted to Senators.
C. All Committees of the Senate shall be subordinated to the Senate itself. All outcomes of Committee deliberation shall be subjected to review, confirmation, referral, and rejection by the Senate.
D. All committee work involving any event or project that has a financial cost, a major change to GPSS operation, or explicitly required to do so in this Constitution or a Bylaw shall draft and submit to the GPSS reports summarizing their activities. All other committees are encouraged, but not required, to draft and submit reports summarizing their activities.
E. All deliberations of Committees shall be recorded in the minutes, which shall be made available to all GPSS Members and the public.
F. All Committees of the Senate shall operate in accordance to procedures as specified by the GPSS Bylaws. return to table of contents
Section 2: Sub-divisions
A. For the purpose of collective advocacy, the Senate shall be subdivided by college, and in such a way so as to encourage diversity, equity, and inclusion.
B. The Senate, by majority vote, may create additional sub-divisions.
C. Structures, policies, and processes for fulfilling the requirements of this Section shall be defined in the bylaws. return to table of contents
Article IV – Executive Board
Section 1. Purpose
The purpose of the Executive Board is to set strategic direction and provide efficient, effective execution of the policy set by the Senate. The Executive Board shall be the party primarily responsible for ensuring that GPSS’s needs are met and is represented at the university level. return to table of contents
Section 2. Membership
A. The Executive Board shall consist of the
a. President,
b. Vice President and Director of Legislative Affairs,
c. Secretary and Director of Communications,
d. Treasurer and Director of Finance,
e. Director of Events,
f. Director of Advocacy,
g. Director of Programs.
B. The Executive Board shall also appoint a Chief of Staff to serve as an ex-officio member of the Executive Board.
C. All current graduate, professional, and accelerated master’s students at Virginia Tech shall be eligible to serve on the Executive Board. return to table of contents
Section 3. Roles and Responsibilities
A. President
a. The President is charged with setting the direction of and leading the GPSS. While the President is ultimately accountable to the general GPSS body, a large amount of power and discretion is vested into this role to enable the aggressive pursuit of the goals of the GPSS.
b. The President shall be the representative voice of the GPSS. As the chief executive officer of the GPSS, the President communicates on the behalf of all GPSS Members to University administrators, faculty, staff, undergraduate students, the Blacksburg community, and other external bodies.
c. The President shall:
i. Represent the GPSS and graduate student interests at all official functions and meetings as appropriate;
ii. Lead each Executive Board meeting and with its advice generate agendas for Senate meetings;
iii. Act as Chair of the Senate and conduct Senate Meetings as an impartial chairperson;
iv. Appoint a Parliamentarian to advise on proper procedure and rules for conducting meetings;
v. Execute all Resolutions adopted by the Senate;
vi. Provide timely information to the Senate regarding matters of graduate student welfare and University policies; and
vii. Chair the President’s Cabinet.
B. Vice President and Director of Legislative Affairs
a. The Vice President and Director of Legislative Affairs (“Vice President”) shall be the chief advisor to the President and the Executive Board in matters of University governance.
b. The Vice President is charged with assisting the President in their duties to whatever extent they are requested to do so and are able. When needed and with the President’s consent, they are permitted to act with similar authority and power as the President.
c. If the President for whatever reason vacates their seat, the Vice President shall assume all duties and responsibilities of the President until an election for a replacement can occur.
d. The Vice President and Director of Legislative Affairs shall:
i. Advise and assist the President, especially on matters of University policy;
ii. With the consent of the Senate and the advice of the Executive Board, make all executive appointments and nominations except for personnel pertaining to GPSS Programs;
iii. Recommend to the GPSS nominations for representatives of the GPSS to University governance bodies, including the University Council, its Commissions, and its Committees;
iv. Coordinate the activities of the representatives to University governance bodies, collect all information about University governance activities from the representatives, and compile the relevant information into University Governance Reports to be presented at each Senate Meeting;
v. Maintain the Senate roster; and
vi. Record and encourage Senator participation.
C. Director of Communications and Secretary
a. The Director of Communications and Secretary is charged with organizing documents to maintain institutional memory. The Secretary shall be given powers and responsibilities to ensure record keeping of sufficient quality is done to meet the needs of the GPSS.
b. The Director of Communications and Secretary shall be responsible for all official communications originating from the GPSS, ensuring activities within the GPSS are communicated in an effective manner to all interested parties, and maintain an appropriate public relations campaign.
c. The Director of Communications and Secretary shall:
i. Advise and assist the President and other Executive Board members on all matters related to the communications and public relations of the GPSS;
ii. Maintain the archive of all GPSS documents, including but not limited to Senate agendas and minutes, governing documents, and resolutions;
iii. Draft official communications of the GPSS; iv. Take minutes of the Senate at each Senate Meeting; and
v. Maintain an appropriate presence of the GPSS in the media, including, but not limited to, University Relations publications, the GPSS Website, and social media.
D. Treasurer and Director of Finance
a. The Director of Finance and Treasurer is charged with managing the financial resources of the GPSS. The Director of Finance and Treasurer shall be given powers and responsibilities to ensure funds are received and distributed to meet the needs of the GPSS.
b. The Director of Finance and Treasurer shall:
i. Chair the Graduate Student Budget Board;
ii. Advise and assist the Executive Board on all matters related to the finances of the GPSS;
iii. Maintain accounts and records of all GPSS financial transactions, deposits, and disbursements;
iv. Draft the annual budget for the GPSS to be approved by the Senate;
v. Report to the Senate at each meeting the financial situation of the GPSS, advising the Senate on all matters related to GPSS finance; and
vi. Explore and maintain external funding sources as appropriate in order for the GPSS to fulfill its mission.
E. Director of Advocacy
a. The Director of Advocacy is responsible for movement-building and coordination among the academic entities and student organizations represented in the GPSS.
b. The Director of Advocacy shall:
i. Help graduate student sub-groups form, grow, and advocate within their departments, colleges, communities, and campuses; and
ii. Facilitate strategy-swapping for effective advocacy between graduate student groups.
iii. Collect and compile ideas, issues, and concerns of Senators to be addressed by the Senate body.
F. Director of Programs
a. The Director of Programs shall oversee all GPSS programs, defined as participation-based services and events that require long term planning and budgeting, and further detailed in the Bylaws.
b. The Director of Programs shall:
i. Advise and assist the President and other members of the Executive Board on all matters related to GPSS programs and events;
ii. Report relevant program activities to the Senate at each Senate Meeting;
iii. Coordinate the efforts of the Chairpersons of any Programming Committee;
iv. Be ultimately responsible for the development and execution of all GPSS Programs; and
v. Create and convene Executive Working Groups to review and discuss specific GPSS Programs and potential new programs that adhere to themission of the GPSS, and report findings to the Senate.
G. Director of Events
a. The Director of Events shall oversee all GPSS Events. For purposes of this section, GPSS Events shall be defined as attendance-based events and services that further the GPSS Mission, including but not limited to social and intellectual development events organized by the GPSS.
b. The Director of Events shall be ultimately responsible for the effective operation of all GPSS Events organized by the GPSS in pursuant to the mission of the GPSS.
c. The Director of Events shall:
i. Advise and assist the President and other members of the Executive Board on all matters related to GPSS Events;
ii. Report relevant activities to the Senate at each Senate Meeting;
iii. Coordinate the efforts of the Chairs of Event Committees;
iv. Be ultimately responsible for the execution and development of all GPSS Events.
H. Chief of Staff
a. The Chief of Staff, as Chief Operations Officer, is charged with ensuring effective internal operation of the GPSS. The Chief of Staff shall be given powers and responsibilities to ensure operational functions are fulfilled to the fullest potential possible.
b. The Chief of Staff shall:
i. Have general oversight of all GPSS operations;
ii. Aid any established committees with completing their goals;
iii. Advise and assist the Executive Board on all matters related to GPSS operations; and
iv. Report relevant activities to the Senate at each Senate Meeting. return to table of contents
Section 4. Election of Executive Board Members
A. GPSS Elections will be conducted in accordance with the GPSS Constitution and Bylaws.
B. Election of the Executive Board Members shall be conducted at the final General Meeting of each fall semester.
C. At the time of elections, a simple majority of the Senate shall appoint a temporary Chair to oversee the election process from among the Senators present. The temporary chair may not be under consideration for any Executive Board position.
D. Executive Board Members are elected for a term starting at the end of the current fall semester and lasting until the end of the following fall semester.
E. All Senators and Executive Board Members present at the meeting of an election are eligible to vote in that election.
F. In the event an officer, excluding the president, will take office and for some reason be unable or unwilling to complete their term of office, a special meeting will be called, and a special election held to fill the vacated office for the remainder of the vacating officer's term. return to table of contents
Section 5. Removal of Executive Board Members
A. Any Executive Board member may be removed from office by a two-thirds majority vote of all recognized Senators.
B. A process for removing Executive Board members shall be prescribed in the Bylaws. return to table of contents
Article V – President's Cabinet
Section 1. Purpose
The purpose of the President’s Cabinet is to provide a mechanism for key constituency groups within the graduate and professional student community to have a voice in the policy-level work of the GPSS. return to table of contents
Section 2. Composition
A. Bylaws shall govern the composition of the President’s Cabinet. At a minimum, the President’s Cabinet shall be comprised of:
a. the President;
b. the Graduate Student Representative to the Board of Visitors or their designee;
c. The President of the Roanoke campus GPSS;
d. The President of the Northern Virginia campus GPSS; and
e. The President Emeritus.
B. Additional members of the Cabinet may be appointed by the President.
C. The President shall chair the President’s Cabinet. return to table of contents
Section 3. President Emeritus
A. The purpose of the position of President Emeritus is to maintain institutional memory.
B. The President Emeritus shall be either the immediate past President or Vice-President.
C. At the end of a President’s term, they automatically assume the role as President Emeritus. If the President has graduated or is otherwise unable to hold this position, the last member serving as Vice-President under that President shall hold this position.
D. If the previous President and Vice-President are unable or unwilling to hold this position, the Executive Board shall function with this role open. return to table of contents
Article VI – University Governance
Section 1. Eligibility
All current graduate and professional students at Virginia Tech shall be eligible to serve on University Council, its Commissions, and its Committees. return to table of contents
Section 2. Selection of Representatitves
A. Appointments and nominations to the University Council, its Commissions, and its Committees will be recommended by the Vice President and Director of Legislative Affairs for approval by the GPSS.
B. Any graduate and professional student representatives to the University Council, its Commissions, and its Committees will be elected by the GPSS by a simple majority vote of the GPSS eligible to vote and present at the meeting. return to table of contents
Section 3. Representative Responsibilities
A. Representatives to University Council, its Commissions, and its Committees shall:
a. Represent the position of the GPSS in the discharge of responsibilities.
b. Inform the GPSS of pertinent matters to be considered and action taken by either:
i. Forwarding copies of meeting minutes to the Vice President within ten business days after approval of minutes by the respective University Council, Commission, Advisory Council, or Committee,
ii. Summarizing discussions and actions taken at meetings of each University Council, Commission, Advisory Council, or Committee and forwarding to the Vice President within ten business days after each meeting if no official minutes are kept at the meeting, or
iii. Bringing matters of GPSS concern before the respective University Council, Commissions, Advisory Councils, or Committees. return to table of contents
Article VII: The Commission on Graduate and Professional Student Affairs
Section 1. Purpose
The purpose of the Commission on Graduate and Professional Student Affairs is to study, formulate, and recommend to the University Council policies and procedures affecting graduate and professional students. return to table of contents
Section 2. Membership
A. The Commission shall be co-chaired by the President of the GPSS and the Dean of the Graduate School.
B. Further composition of the Commission shall be defined in the GPSS bylaws. return to table of contents
Article VIII: Constitutional Amendments
A. Any Senator or officer may propose a change to this Constitution.
B. Proposed amendments to the GPSS Constitution shall be submitted to the Senate, through the Vice President, and included in the GPSS agenda for consideration.
C. Any proposed amendment shall have a minimum of two readings prior to voting and may be voted upon at the same meeting as the second reading.
D. Any amendment requires a two-thirds majority of the entire Senate to pass.
E. Amendments to the Constitution will become effective upon approval by the Senate, University Council and president of the university.
F. If this Constitution shall be replaced by a new document, it is subject to the same procedures as if it were amended. return to table of contents
Article IX: Amendments to the Bylaws
A. Any Senator or officer may propose a change to the Bylaws.
B. Bylaws and their amendments shall be submitted to the Senate, through the Vice President, and included in the GPSS agenda for consideration.
C. Bylaws and their amendments shall require a simple majority of Senators present to pass and shall become effective upon approval. return to table of contents