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Our programs, their benefits, and how you can participate

GPSS logo featuring a stylized GLC in maroon, orange, and white, with images of three graduates standing, surrounded by the words Graduate Student Assembly of VT on blue

GPSS Programs are participation-based services and events that require long term planning and budgeting. In order to serve the needs of our graduate and professional students, we offer programs that directly support and promote their research and educational efforts, and celebrate their conclusion.

We welcome all to participate in our programs, volunteer to help with the events surrounding each, and to honor Ut Prosim through that service. Please use the Volunteer to Help link in the right column to indicate your willingness to help with one or more of our Programs! Not sure what would be asked of you as a volunteer? Click the expansion signs ("+") next to the name of the program, or check out the pages linked in the right column to see what our volunteers have traditionally done to support our Programs. It's an easy way to get involved and make new friends!

All program dates and times will be announced on their individual pages, and on our Facebook page, our Twitter account, and through the weekly Graduate School listserv email.

The GPSS Research Symposium and Exposition is a unique opportunity for graduate and advanced undergraduate students to bring together ideas and research findings from different disciplines and showcase their scholarly pursuits and achievements. As part of this event, we provide cash awards for the top participants in each of the major competitions. In addition, we bring in a nationally recognized keynote speaker, and host an awards banquet and awards presentation.

Example Volunteer opportunities: review abstracts submitted by prospective presenters, organize materials for the event, ensure activities on the day of the event run smoothly, set up event rooms before start of event, tear down rooms at conclusion of event, support judges, presenters, and other volunteers on the day of the event.

Chair responsibilities: organize and execute the symposium, including, but not limited to, managing all volunteers, vendors, and materials; recruiting and scheduling judges; scheduling presenters; scheduling volunteers; creation and submission of event book.

The Graduate Research Development Program (GRDP) is administered by the Virginia Tech Graduate Student Assembly (GSA) to provide monetary support for degree-contingent research conducted by Virginia Tech graduate students. This program is sponsored by the Graduate School and the Virginia Tech Office of the Provost. This funding opportunity is offered twice a year for each academic year, but applicants may only receive an award once in an academic year. Assistance through the GRDP is competitive and is awarded based on a review process to help ensure fair decisions. To increase the number of students benefiting from the program, priority will be given towards first-time awardees.

Chair responsibilities: organize, manage, and execute the two cycles, including, but not limited to, the creation of supporting application documents, the creation, maintenance, evaluation of information provided via qualtrics application surveys, soliciting and managing reviewers, and managing the completion and award processes.

The Travel Fund Program (TFP) is the GPSS' most popular program. As funding is limited, TFP provides partial grants to help cover some part of the expenses associated with graduate student conference travel (this includes transportation, registration fees, lodging, and meals). All graduate students -- traveling within the U.S. or internationally -- are eligible to apply.

Chair responsibilities: organize, manage, and execute the three cycles, including, but not limited to, the creation of supporting application documents, the creation, maintenance, evaluation of information provided via qualtrics application surveys, managing the completion and award processes.

Does the expense of purchasing a cap and gown make you want to skip your graduation ceremony? The Graduate and Professional Student Senate's "Dr. Rich" Cap and Gown Program will loan a limited number of graduation gowns and caps to graduate students participating in our  graduation ceremonies. Go to that graduation ceremony and bask in the glory of your accomplishments!

Example Volunteer opportunities: examine existing inventory for quality, update inventory, move new caps/gowns into circulation, clean existing caps/gowns, distribute caps/gowns to successful lottery applications, collect caps/gowns from graduates after commencement, organize and reinventory caps/gowns after commencement.