The Senate has the power to fill, form, and dissolve its Committees, as laid out in the Bylaws. All Committees shall make records of their meetings available to the Senate, and advise the Senate of their progress on their assigned duties.
Standing Committees of the Senate are permanent Committees established by the GPSS Bylaws. A Standing Committee performs functions vital to Senate operations. They deliberate and report their findings to the Assembly regularly. Voting members of a Standing Committee are also voting Senators.
Special Committees of the Senate are created and dissolved by Acts of the Senaete by a majority vote. Each Special Committee deliberates and reports on a specific matter deemed necessary by the Senate. The composition of each special committee is determined by the Senate. Voting members of a Standing Committee are GPSS members, although there is no requirement that they be voting members.
Coming soon! Pages devoted to the Standing and Special Committees, their intent, and the minutes from their meetings.
All Senators must participate actively in at least one service within the GPSS, including but not limited to, to the Executive Council, University Governance, Senate Standing or Special Committees, and Executive Programming Committees, in addition to their services in the Senate as a whole.