2020-2021 Advocacy Efforts
photo from pexels.com

2020-2021 Initiatives
- Graduate Student Compensation
- Student Services
- Diversity
- Capital Planning Projects
- Going Green
Pre-Academic Year Activities
28 Aug 2020 GPSS Executive Board met with the Bursar's Office regarding comprehensive fees, strategies for reconsideration, issues that graduate and professional students face, and options for remediation. Note: if a student lives more than 50 miles from campus, please see this page to find the information necessary to request a $300 reduction in the comprehensive fees.
Aug 2020 GPSS Executive Board representatives continue to work with administration on their response to the upcoming changes in Title IX. The document summarizing those changes and the university's response is here.
3 Aug 2020 Parking announces $50/semester "evening" pass that is not (a) available online for purchase (must be purchased in person), and (b) is not noted or detailed in the Parking Handbook.
3 Aug 2020 GSA Executive Board provides feedback to VTGrATE regarding concerns of GTAs for the upcoming semester, and provides link to document hosted on this site that details concerns for all graduate students, GTAs, GRAs, and GAs.
25-28 Jul 2020 GPSS President and Vice President provide feedback to parking, and submit formal request for $30 annual "evening" (5pm - 10pm) pass, matching pricing of remote lot.
23 Jul 2020 GPSS issues call to students regarding changes
20 Jul 2020 Parking announces major changes for 2020-2021 academic year