Statement of Support for Bridgewater College
February 2, 2022
Dear Bridgewater College Community,
The Virginia Tech community is pained to hear the news about the violence at Bridgewater College yesterday afternoon. As fellow Virginians, students, and human beings, our hearts go out to those at Bridgewater who have had to live through this traumatic experience. This is a tragedy we know all too well and words fail in response. We affirm that gun violence has no place on college campuses, and that all students have the right to feel safe at their educational institutions and their communities at large.
Our thoughts and prayers–and those of the entire Virginia Tech student body–go out to the families and loved ones of those senselessly killed; to the Bridgewater students, faculty, staff, and community; and to those vicariously impacted by yesterday’s events.
If there is anything we can do during this difficult time, please let us know. Today we are all Eagles.
In support and sorrow,
Caroline Lohr, President, Undergraduate Student Senate
Paolo Fermin, Undergraduate Student Representative, Board of Visitors
Jack Leff, President, Graduate Student Senate
Phil Miskovic, Graduate Student Representative, Board of Visitors