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Graduate Research Development Program

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The GPSS Fall 2024 Graduate Research Development Program (GRDP) is now taking applications! Master's students are eligible for up to $1000 in funding and doctoral students are eligible for up to $1500 in funding. Past and future GRDP guidelines will differ. Please submit applications by August 5, 2024 at 11:59pm EST. If you have already submitted an application and would like to amend it, if you have any questions, or if you need an extension, please contact Julia Shapiro at before the application deadline.

Fall 2024 proposal deadline: August 5, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. EST.

The Graduate Research Development Program (GRDP) is administered by the Virginia Tech Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS) to provide monetary support for degree-contingent research conducted by Virginia Tech graduate students. This program is sponsored by the Graduate School and the Virginia Tech Office of the Provost. This funding opportunity is offered twice a year for each academic year, but applicants may only receive an award once in an academic year. Assistance through the GRDP is competitive and is awarded based on a review process to help ensure fair decisions. To increase the number of students benefiting from the program, priority will be given towards first-time awardees.

If you have any questions, please email the GRDP Chair from your VT email. 

Application openings and deadlines for each of the Fall and Spring cycles will also be announced on our Facebook page, our Twitter account, and through the weekly Graduate School listserv email.

Download the Instructions, the Proposal Template, and the Advisor Approval letter using the buttons to the right.

Who Can Apply?

All full-time registered graduate students enrolled at Virginia Tech are eligible to apply. Graduate Students are limited to one GRDP award per academic year. We have introduced this limit to allow more students to succeed in this endeavor. Please note that the GRDP is a very competitive program, an average of 25% of proposals each cycle receive funding.

Already won? Still want to win more money? Apply to present in our annual Graduate Student Assembly Research Symposium! We have no limits on the number of times that students can win monetary support awards in that competition.

Example Volunteer opportunities: review abstracts submitted by prospective presenters, organize materials.

Chair responsibilities: organize, manage, and execute the two award cycles, including, but not limited to, the creation of supporting application documents, the creation, maintenance, evaluation of information provided via qualtrics application surveys, managing the completion and award processes.

Questions?  Please email the GRDP Chair

GRDP_Template_fall24.docx GRDP Template
GRDP Advisor Approval letter.docx GRDP Advisor Approval letter
GRDP Acquisition Waiver.docx GRDP Acquisition Waiver