The Senate
Function, Purpose, Activities, Meetings

The Graduate and Professional Student Senate is the legislative body of the orgranization, and consists of Graduate Student Delegates representing their home Departments or non-academic communities, as well as the Executive Council. The Senate exercises its power through Acts of the Senate at the advice of its Committees and the Executive Council, in accordance with the GPSS Constitution and Bylaws.
All members of GPSS are to serve as Delegates in the Senate. Voting members of the Senate are limited to Delegates. Alternates may vote in place of their Delegates if that power shall be temporarily delegated to them, according to procedures described in this Constitution and the GPSS Bylaws.
The Senate has the power to fill, form, and dissolve its Committees, as laid out in the Bylaws. Standing Committees perform functions vital to Senate operations. Voting members of a Standing Committee are also voting Delegates of the Senate. Special Committees of the Senate are created and dissolved by Acts of the Senate by a majority vote. Voting members of a Standing Committee are GPSS members, although there is no requirement that they be voting members of the Senate.
All members of the GPSS Executive Council, including (but not limited to the members of the GPSS Executive Board), are non-voting members of the Senate, unless they are concurrently serving as voting members of the Senate.
All graduate and professional students and guests are welcome to attend Senate meetings!