Get Involved
Be an active member of this vibrant community!

All of our activities, regardless of purpose, rely on our constituency and their service as voluteers and participants. See how you can get involved! Take a look at the options below to see what we offer you, and use the links to the right to see more details!
As a member of the GPSS, you are welcome to attend any and all of our General Assembly Meetings. Or, you can talk to your department's graduate advisor to see if you can be the Delegate for the year. If you'd like to submit a discussion topic for an upcoming General Assembly Meeting, please send us an email at, and give us at least two weeks' notice. All meetings run from 5:30 pm-7:00 pm, unless the delegate body approves a time extension. Learn about their Committees and the work they do! Check out our calendar for the dates/times/locations of the meetings.
GPSS's Programs are defined as participation-based services and events that require long term planning and budgeting. In order to serve the needs of our graduate and professional students, we offer programs that directly support and promote their research and educational efforts, and celebrate their conclusion. Please see the individual pages for ideas on how to get involved as a volunteer or participant!
The GPSS Research Symposium and Exposition (GPSSRS) is a unique opportunity for graduate and advanced undergraduate students to bring together ideas and research findings from different disciplines and showcase their scholarly pursuits and achievements. As part of this event, we provide cash awards for the top participants in each of the major competitions. In addition, we bring in a nationally recognized keynote speaker, and host an awards banquet and awards presentation.
The Travel Fund Program (TFP) is the GPSS's most popular program. As funding is limited, TFP provides partial grants to help cover some part of the expenses associated with graduate student conference travel (this includes transportation, registration fees, lodging, and meals). All graduate students -- traveling within the U.S. or internationally -- are eligible to apply.
The Graduate Research Development Program (GRDP) provides monetary support for degree-contingent research conducted by VT graduate students. Assistance is competitive and awarded based on a review process designed to ensure fair decisions.
Does the expense of purchasing a cap and gown make you want to skip your graduation ceremony? The Graduate and Professional Student Senate's "Dr. Rich" Cap and Gown Program will loan a limited number of graduation gowns and caps to graduate students participating in our graduation ceremonies. Go to that graduation ceremony and bask in the glory of your accomplishments!
GPSS's Events are defined as attendance-based events and services that further the GPSS Mission, including but not limited to, community-building, student advocacy, and intellectual development events organized by the GPSS. Volunteers are key to the success of all of our events. Please see the individual pages for ideas on how to get involved as a volunteer or participant!
The annual Little Hokie™ Hand-Me-Down event, a Virginia Tech November tradition, is hosted in the Multipurpose Room of the Graduate Life Center, 155 Otey St. This event offers university students and staff members with children the opportunity to “shop” for a wide range of infant and children’s clothes, accessories, and other items they may need, free of charge.
The Graduate School, Graduate and Profesisonal Student Senate, and Women’s Center at Virginia Tech sponsor the Hand-Me-Down, and members of the university and Blacksburg communities make the event possible, donating gently used or new items for families.
Our Community Building events are opportunities for our graduate and professional students to connect on a deeper, more personal level, encouraging their personal and professional growth. We have, in the past, offered the Welcome Back Barbecue, Beer and Wine Socials, picnics, workshops, and networking events.
We welcome your ideas for new and exciting events to be held this year! We also gladly welcome other student-serving organizations to join us in creating events that serve our communities.
New for 2020, our Advocacy events are opportunities for our graduate and professional students to investigate and connect with the issues facing graduate and professional students on a deeper, more personal level, encouraging their personal and professional growth. Our initial events will focus on the initiatives brought forth by the GPSS President, and will further work to support the activities of Special Committees of the General Assembly.
We welcome your ideas for new and exciting events to be held this year! We also gladly welcome other student-serving organizations to join us in creating events that serve our communities.
Have you met Dean DePauw? Would you like to? Would you like to have a conversation with her? (Hint: she is deeply committed to the success of every graduate and professional student, and she WANTS to hear from you)
Join us in one of our Meet the Dean Series of events. We regularly host Breakfast with the Dean, Cupcakes with the Dean, Guac Talk (a lunch time meet up with the Dean), and other such events.
Graduating soon? Are you confused about your next steps? Law School? Medical School? Should you pursue an MBA? an MPH? Is a Master's degree necessary for your chosen field? Will a Ph.D. put you over the top when looking to your future?
Never fear: the Annual Graduate and Professional School Fair brings together our students and recruiters from many different schools, reflecting many different programs and opportunities. Join us, explore opportunities, connect with recruiters, and get that edge on your next steps! Most graduate and professional school applications are due by December 15th! Get your knowlegde on now, and find the program that is right for you!