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GPSS Travel Fund Program

This image is used via the library of congress' website. Citation for original image is Highsmith, C. M., photographer. (2012) Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California. California San Francisco San Francisco. United States, 2012. [Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

an evening image of the golden gate bridge in San Francisco

The Fall 2021 TFP Cycle Application has not yet been released. Please check back later in the semester for updates.

The Travel Fund Program (TFP) is the GPSS's most popular program, and is sponsored by the Graduate School and the Virginia Tech Office of the Provost. As funding is limited, TFP provides partial grants to help cover some part of the expenses associated with graduate student conference travel (this includes transportation, registration fees, lodging, and meals). All graduate students -- traveling within the U.S. or internationally -- are eligible to apply. Due to limited funding, only one award may be made each academic year. Please note that summer travel is covered as part of the Fall semester.

Travel Fund Cycles

The program is divided into three cycles for faster reimbursements. The cycles are:

  • Fall Cycle (Travel dates: July 1st - December 31st) 
  • Winter Cycle (Travel dates: January 1st through March 31st)
  • Spring Cycle (Travel dates: April 1st through June 30) 

Applications for each cycle will be announced on this page as they are opened. Please use the links to the right to apply for the program using our Qualtrics surveys.

Application openings and deadlines for each cycle will also be announced on our Facebook page, our Twitter account, and through the weekly Graduate School listserv email.

Chair responsibilities: organize, manage, and execute the three cycles, including, but not limited to, the creation of supporting application documents, the creation, maintenance, evaluation of information provided via qualtrics application surveys, managing the completion and award processes.

Questions? Please email the TFP Chair from your VT email address.

We encourage you to take advantage of this program!